As a local Pittsburgh area Certified Public Accounting firm located in Mt. Lebanon, our family has been serving clients for over fifty years in the areas of tax, payroll, bookkeeping, compilations, reviews and audits of non-public companies and pension plans. After gaining his initial experience, Frank Luchini, partnered with Sam Valeriano to begin the legacy we continue today. Sam passed away in the seventies and Frank continued as a sole proprietor until the practice was incorporated in 1990, when Gary also became a co-owner. Frank passed away in 2002. Currently, Gary is the sole shareholder of Luchini and Company, PC. The firm annually completes a firm monitoring of its quality control system, and every three years, since 2000, participates in a Peer Review administered by the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants to ensure compliance with accounting and auditing standards.
Luchini & Company, P.C.
Certified Public Accountants

Since 1952
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"Gary is the finest CPA with whom I have ever partnered . He has a real niche with small business tax consultation and preparation and his staff is friendly and efficient."
Marsha Cassel / All Things Speaking / Managing Partner